Sediments between source and sink during a Late Quaternary eustatic cycle: The Krka river and the Mid Adriatic Deep System
QMAD is a Croatian Science Foundation – funded research project that investigates marine and riverine paleoenvironments of the eastern Adriatic Sea. This research will produce climate and environmental proxy data and as such will also give an insight into the Late Quaternary landscapes and their suitability for human migration along the eastern Adriatic coast.
QMAD launched in December 2019 and will run for 4 years. The multidisciplinary team of 22 researchers from 10 partner institutions is led by Dr Slobodan Miko at the Croatian Geological Survey.
For more details please contact slobodan.miko@hgi-cgs.hr
This project has received funding from the Croatian Science Fondation (HRZZ) under grant agreement IP-04-2019-8505 (QMAD). This output reflects only the author’s view and the HRZZ cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.